Hallstatt AIR is an Artist in Residence Program that offers a selection of Austrian and international guest artists the opportunity to realize contem-porary and interdisciplinary art projects during a stay of several weeks in Hallstatt. The first implementation of the future biennial event series will take place in the summer of 2021. The program is historically linked to the summer retreat that emerged at the turn oft he 19th and 20th century, when the aristocratic elite but also artists retreated to Lake Hallstatt to use this secluded and multifaceted place as a source of strength and inspiration for their work.
The newly launched project format is not only intended to artistically take up and critically reflect on past, but also current situations and regional, site-spe-cific questions about the future. The project, organized by the cultural association Dezentral, uses exis-ting potential such as local work spaces and exhibition areas and makes new spaces accessible to the public. As a special highlight, a show of the artists‘ work had been held in the private rooms of Grub Castle. The exhibition was followed by a 2-week presentation of the artists‘ work in the exhibition space of the HTBLA Hallstatt.
With this year‘s Hallstatt AIR, a contemporary impulse is set, which is to develop sustainably through the biennial event rhythm and ensure a constant interaction of the Salzkammergut with contemporary art.
